uum about this
(darkness)dude um gamecube died along time ago....
uum about this
(darkness)dude um gamecube died along time ago....
lol gai sensei in paracute pance whats next?!
(darkness)this makes me think a motivational poster i saw once...check my news posts someday to see it
(perfection)this is epic!!!
looks a lot like one of the characters me and my brother made is using his speed powers to train against himself!!XD
not finished!? nooooooooooooooooo!
(darkness)when does 10 come out im getting anxious!
its awsome and all...
(darkness)but how do you get ten seconds of time freeze?
it sortof contadicts eachother doesn't it?
(perfection)this is one of the best flash movie series on NG i have ever seen keep up the good work
(darkness)when mario gets hit by the football what song does the koopa start to sing
you know "are you ready for some football!!?"
oh my god
(darkness)where can i download this!?
oh my loling god!
(darkness)man that was funny as hell man!
i agree with darkwolf2324
(darkness)goku shouldn't even need to use up much stamina to beet superman
i mean hese a saiyan for petes sake
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